Non-Destructive Testing '92: No. 13 by C. Hallai
Non-Destructive Testing '92: No. 13 by C. Hallai PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A broad spectrum of technical papers on the most diverse nondestructive testing techniques (NDT) and correlated fields are presented in this volume. The main applications and methods of these important quality control techniques are reviewed in depth. Apart from reporting on the improvements and developments of new techniques and the rapid automatization of nondestructive testings, many papers address the environment from the point of view of inspection surveys. The 265 contributions demonstrate that nondestructive testing techniques (NDT) play a vital role, not only in the quality assurance and control of manufactured products, but also as instruments of public, environmental and industrial safety. The quality of the articles in this book attest to the contribution this conference has made in the technical interchange of experience between NDT professionals, and indicate the present accelerated rate of development of ideas and knowledge in this field.From reader reviews:
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