Minggu, 30 November 2014

PDF⋙ Eating as an Act of Worship: Teacher's Edition by Ann Wooten-Taylor

Eating as an Act of Worship: Teacher's Edition by Ann Wooten-Taylor

Eating as an Act of Worship: Teacher's Edition

Eating as an Act of Worship: Teacher's Edition by Ann Wooten-Taylor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ann Wooten-Taylor, Esq., is the C.E.O. of Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries. The ministry began as a result of her deliverance from obesity, and she has been teaching others the Christian weight loss principles she learned since 2012. Unlike many Christian weight loss classes, the EAW class is not a forum where individuals come together, say a prayer, and then have a workout session. On the contrary, EAW weight loss courses focus on God's perspective about our body image, our eating habits, and keeping our bodies healthy through the study of His word.

The 12 concepts are designed to help you succeed by equipping you to win the daily battle that you are currently losing, first and foremost, in your mind. Until your mind is set free, you will continue to wander in the Wilderness of Obesity. As your mind is delivered, you'll find you can not only start a diet, but you can also stick with it when you realize it was never about you. The battle was, is, and always will be a spiritual one to be won by the Lord.

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