Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan: A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans (Wiley Finance) by Matthew X. Smith

Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan: A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans (Wiley Finance) by Matthew X. Smith

Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan: A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans (Wiley Finance)

Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan: A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans (Wiley Finance) by Matthew X. Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An objective resource for managing your firm's 401(k) plan

With the recent uncertainty in the economy and financial markets, 401(k) plans are now under more scrutiny than ever. Written for finance and benefit professionals who are responsible for the management, operations, or oversight of their company's 401(k) plan, Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan offers a guide to designing and managing a 401(k) with a focus on financial, fiduciary, and regulatory standards.

While there are plenty of books on 401(k) plans written for the individual investor, there are very few resources for professionals involved in 401(k) management. This book effectively fills that void

  • It was specifically written for professionals involved in 401(k) management
  • It includes regulatory and fiduciary information needed for compliance purposes
  • It was created by experienced experts in the defined contribution plan arena

Topics covered throughout this insightful guide include measuring retirement readiness, establishing plan governance, managing the plan's investment menu, monitoring record keeper performance, communicating effectively with employees, helping participants manage their retirement income, and much more.

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Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan: A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans (Wiley Finance) by Matthew X. Smith EPub

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