Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Berlin Sketchbook (Sketchbooks) by Boris Von Brauchtisch

Berlin Sketchbook (Sketchbooks) by Boris Von Brauchtisch

Berlin Sketchbook (Sketchbooks)

Berlin Sketchbook (Sketchbooks) by Boris Von Brauchtisch PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Berlin, the capital city of Germany, can be seen as a 25-year-old city. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the city's identity evolved to be modern, tolerant and at times even eccentric. This identity was forged by the reunion of two close but disparate populations. On one side, Berliners lived in a city of right angles: grey, dull, comfortless, with uniformity as dogma. On the other, the architecture was more traditional and eclectic, and the lifestyle much more comfortable. Today, thanks to the successful reunification, Berlin is becoming one of the most visited capitals in Europe. In his Berlin Sketchbook, artist Fabrice Moireau – ever passionate about urban architecture – captures both the iconic sites and hidden corners of Germany's capital, bringing out the best of the city.

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