Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ The Waters of Chaos: The Modern Quest by Jerry Dobson, Jeff Dobson

The Waters of Chaos: The Modern Quest by Jerry Dobson, Jeff Dobson

The Waters of Chaos:  The Modern Quest

The Waters of Chaos: The Modern Quest by Jerry Dobson, Jeff Dobson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Waters of Chaos is a science mystery tackling the greatest puzzle of all: How did human society evolve from the Ice Ages to today? In short, how did we get to be so smart? The Saga and the Quest take readers on an unconventional romp through science covering vast spans of time. The Waters of Chaos: The Ancient Saga, set at the end of the last Ice Age, brings to life a cast of heroic characters living in that long ago time and coping with the imminent global catastrophe of sea level rise. The Waters of Chaos: The Modern Quest follows twin brothers Jared and Rick Caisson as they search for evidence of a lost civilization beneath the sea, employing the most advanced technologies available. Both stories invoke Egyptian mythology and universal flood myths to connect science and lore. The modern book proposes new and radically different theories, while the ancient book illustrates how those theories may have worked in the real world. Check out the evidence, and you’ll find that almost all of it is true and convincing enough to challenge conventional wisdom. Meanwhile, the two brothers meet head-on the hidebound resistance of fellow scientists, and a close-knit clutch of youngsters grow to adulthood 10,700 years ago in a surprisingly advanced world facing certain disaster. Two youths fall in love and ultimately lead the exodus of their people from the flooded coast to refuge above. Mystery, high- and low-tech adventure, action, romance, sunken pyramids holding the Secrets of the Ages; The Waters of Chaos has them all. The Waters of Chaos consists of two books strategically combined or sold separately. The books are: The Waters of Chaos: the Ancient Saga and The Waters of Chaos: the Modern Quest.

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