Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Frye's 3000 Nursing Bullets for NCLEX-RN by Charles M. Frye RN

Frye's 3000 Nursing Bullets for NCLEX-RN by Charles M. Frye RN

Frye's 3000 Nursing Bullets for NCLEX-RN

Frye's 3000 Nursing Bullets for NCLEX-RN by Charles M. Frye RN PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A quick-study guide in a bulleted format helps students study the essential facts when preparing for the NCLEX-RN. Covers all of the clinical areas found on the NCLEX-RN including fundamentals, maternal-neonatal nursing, pediatric nursing, medical-surgical nursing, and psychiatric and mental health nursing. An introduction to the computerized adaptive testing format, a summary of the NCLEX-RN test plan, and tips for developing effective test-taking strategies are included. This easy and compact book is ideal for reviewing on the go. This edition includes 500 new bullets.

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